June 4, 2024

The number of charging stations for electric vehicles will be doubled in Almaty by the end of the year

A meeting “On the development of Green Economy and preferential financing for the purchase of electric cars for taxi" was held in Almaty. The event was attended by the Department of Ecology and Environment of Almaty, representatives of the project office of the city Akimat, Almaty SEC, Almaty Parking, Almaty Development Center, rideshares Yandex.Taxi and inDrive, taxi parks, dealers and distributors of electric cars Astana Motors and Orbis Auto, as well as social activists and environmentalists.

During the meeting, Almaty Parking reported that the number of charging stations in the city will more than double from 150 to 311 units by the end of the year.
It should be noted that by the end of 2023 the emission of harmful substances by motor vehicles in Almaty exceeded 112 thousand tons, which amounted to 60% of the total volume of emissions.
According to the city administrative police department, a total of 615 thousand vehicles were registered in Almaty as of May 1, 2024, and, according to AIC Sergek, another 400 thousaand enter the city on a daily basis. In addition, according to various estimates, more than 80 thousand taxi drivers are officially registered in the metropolis. In this regard, the city plans to create the necessary conditions for the gradual transition of taxi drivers to electric vehicles.

“Joint cooperation of all stakeholders is the key to successful transition of taxi to electric vehicles. This approach will contribute to reducing pollutant emissions and improving air quality in the metropolis, as well as creating new economic opportunities for the metropolis,” said Mr. Kanat Balykbayev, Chairman of the Management Board of Almaty SEC.

As you may recall, on May 22 at the plenary session of the Mazhilis MPs adopted the Law “On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the promotion of clean transport and the development of infrastructure for electric vehicles” in the second reading. The purpose of the bill is the development of infrastructure for electric vehicles. Its main norms are aimed at introducing the concepts of “electric vehicle” and “electric charging station”, allocation of places specially designated for parking electric vehicles, placement of electric charging stations, exemption of electric vehicle owners from payment for parking spaces and much more.
