Capital construction

Solving the problems of dilapidated housing and capital development of the city


+7 (727) 356-02-25


303 Baizakov str., 4th floor


About company

LLP “Capital Construction Company of the Akimat of Almaty City” is a subsidiary organization, since 2018 JSC “SEC Almaty” is the sole founder. it is engaged in solving problems of dilapidated housing stock and improvement of housing conditions of citizens.

Capital Construction Company was established on 28th of August, 2008 in accordance with Resolution №1039 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated on 6th of November, 2007 “Plan of Priority Actions for Ensuring Stability of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and is an authorized organization for completion of construction of problematic housing facilities with participation of shareholders.

Main activities:

Finding land plots for building new residential houses
Accommodation of owners of apartments of buildings that are intended for demolition
Re-building of residential buildings, in the form of demolition of dilapidated housing and construction of new residential buildings
Preparation of design and estimate documentation and control of construction and installation works at the objects.

Housing renovation program for the city of Almaty until 2030
