September 24, 2020

Department of Creative Industries was Established in Almaty Invest

Almaty Invest is an investment unit of SEC Almaty, whose main functions are as follows:
— Creating and maintaining favorable conditions for attracting investments
— Packaging and promoting projects
— Analytical center

In August 2020, in accordance with the key directions of Almaty-2050 development strategy, in the organizational structure of Almaty Invest they established a department of creative and IT industries headed by Katerina Gribanovskaya.
The Department will be responsible for providing infrastructure, financial and administrative support to the industries.

Even now, entrepreneurs representing those industries can obtain a loan of up to KZT 500 mln at a preferential interest rate of 6%, submit their project and request support from the investment center Almaty Invest.

One of the key projects of the department is the implementation of the concept of a park of creative industries (PCI) in Almaty. PCI is an industry-based space that unites representatives of creative and IT industries on its territory for synergy, development and monetization of the city’s creative potential, creation of new points of attraction and improvement of the comfort of the urban environment.

It acts as a platform for the development of startups, support of existing projects, acceleration and scaling of projects through private initiatives and administrative support of the city.


Head of the Department Katerina Gribanovskaya is a member of the Creative Council under the Akim of Almaty, she has five years of experience in working in the Department of Culture of Almaty (2011-2015) on large city projects (strategic planning, anti-crisis management, event management).




