June 4, 2024

Another small industrial estate will be built in Almaty

Almaty Finance LLP, a subsidiary of SPK Almaty, opened a credit facility for the construction of another small industrial estate (SIE) in Almaty. The project is financed under the regional program of entrepreneurship development “Almaty Business - 2025”. The credit facility is KZT 500 mln at an annual interest rate of 6%* per annum.

Project is implemented by MIRUS Company LLP. At the moment of credit line opening the amount of investments in the project reached KZT200 mln.

SIE with almost 5,000 m² area will appear on Industrial Zone of Almaty in January 2025. Areas themselves will be leased to businesses on favorable terms - up to KZT 1,350 per m². It is also possible to purchase them later at a price of KZT 180,000 per m².

“Small Industrial Estates is an area where small and medium-sized businesses are provided ready for launching production facilities. Currently, there are over 30 small industrial estates in Almaty, 11 of them financed by Almaty Finance LLP. Under the program “Almaty Business - 2025” financing of such projects is provided on favorable terms, at a rate of 6%* per annum", - said Deputy Chairman of Almaty Finance LLP, Zhuldyz Igenov.

*Annual effective interest rate is individually estimated

For reference:

Almaty Finance LLP, a credit organization established in 2019, is a subsidiary of Almaty SEC JSC. Almaty Finance LLP provides preferential financing to SMEs in Almaty at the rate of 2% or 6% per annum (annual effective rate of return). Loans are aimed at creating new production facilities and replenishing working capital.  Total maximum loan is KZT 500 mln. Term - up to 7 years. Almaty Finance” lending program is implemented under ‘Almaty Business-2025’.

Almaty SEC JSC is a development institution, a bridge between the resources of the state and business. Activities of Almaty SEC aims at solving social, educational, cultural problems of the society under the condition of development of sustainable private entrepreneurship.
