May 22, 2024

How small and medium-sized businesses are supported in the megalopolis

Under the state program, entrepreneurs can get a soft loan.

Loan up to KZT 500 million can get Almaty residents for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Loan is granted at a favorable rate of 2 to 6% per annum for seven years. SMEs are supported by microfinance organizations Almaty Finance and Almaty MFO. To date, they have helped to realize about 600 business projects worth almost KZT 30 billion, - reports the correspondent of

Sandugash Yessenbekova, an Almaty businesswoman, owns a sewing enterprise that makes blankets, corpses and pillows. Mom of 7 children and now a successful businesswoman started her childhood dream business a few years ago. Woman admits that it was frightening to start, but the urge of creating her own business proved more powerful. Now it provides jobs for dozens of people and does a successful business, supplying its products in national colors to hundreds of retail outlets throughout Kazakhstan, and in the future plans to go international.

- Very happy because our state is so good at helping us. For example, I was sitting at home and sewing, and here is this grant, which gratuitously received 5 million and with the premises help. Helping with jobs. I am very grateful to the state! Because a lot of people like me want to work. Kelinizder! Zhumys hysterinizder tek kana! Work and that is all! - said Sandugash Yessenbekova, an entrepreneur.

Microfinance organizations have been supporting SMEs in Almaty since 2019 under the state program "Almaty Business-2025". Priority for consideration of applications are industrial, innovative, export-oriented projects, supported creative industry, as well as projects implemented on the territory of special economic and industrial zones.

- We lend to small and medium-sized businesses registered in Almaty directly and doing business in Almaty. We have low-income and large families at 2%, as well as residents of the industrial park can apply at 2%, all others at 6%. That is for up to 7 years, secured lending. We consider both startups and existing businesses," said Aiman Ongarova, Director of Lending Department of Almaty IFO.

In addition, the organization provides rental space on preferential terms as part of the program. Over the past 2 years, bargain-priced retail and manufacturing space has been allocated to 24 projects that have subsequently created more than 200 jobs.

- Today it turns out that we have a rent of 0.1 MCI, MCI we have today KZT 3692 - this is KZT 369 per square meter plus 12% VAT. We have up to a 3-year lease. That is, at the conclusion of the lease agreement, if the tenant fulfills all the conditions, we can consider prolongation," said Diana Zhaksybekova, Chief Manager of the City's SEC Project Department.

In the first quarter of this year alone, more than 40 proposed projects were funded. Funds received can be used by entrepreneurs to purchase equipment, raw materials, replenish working capital and cover other business needs. All information on applying for SME support is available on the websites and

Aliya Abitova, Rashiddin Yakupov - Almaty TV channel
