SME support

SPK Almaty is a bridge between the resources of the state and business. Priority areas of the corporation is entrepreneurial development and solution of socially important tasks of the city.

Main purpose:

Assistance to formation of highly-efficient economy, business support for provision of economic and social welfare of the city, creation of great opportunities for business development in Almaty.


Tools and capabilities:Non-residential premises provided for rent for social entrepreneurship entities
Social (preferential) rent

Industrial zone of Almaty

Arrangement of large-scale industry with provision of land plots with all communication lines.

Social (preferential) rent

Non-residential premises provided for rent for social entrepreneurship entities

Industrail parks

A territory with laid communication lines for manufacturing activity on preferential terms.

Unsteady sales outlets 

Easily assemblable structures for small and medium enterprise development.

Trade fairs and outdoor concession stands

Used for sale of agricultural and farmer products

Preferential lending

An accessible source of financing for SMEs in Almaty

Financial support is rendered through subsidiary credit organizations Almaty Finance and Microfinance organization «Almaty» , as well as by means of projects co-financing  using the funds of SPK Almaty. 
