Corporate governance

Corporate governance is aimed at improving efficiency of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates, ensuring transparency and accountability, strengthening its reputation and reducing capital raising costs.

The Company considers an appropriate corporate governance system as its contribution to ensuring the rule of law in the Republic of Kazakhstan and a factor determining the Company's place in modern economy and society as a whole.

Principles of corporate governance

  • Delineation of powers
  • Protection of the Sole Shareholder's rights and interests
  • Effective management
  • Sustainable development
  • Risk management, internal control and internal audit
  • Transparency and objectivity of information disclosure
  • Regulation of corporate conflicts and conflicts of interest

Corporate Governance Rating

The Company entered into an agreement on October 23, 2023 with ”International Audit Company Russell Bedford A+ Partners” LLC (hereinafter – Russell Bedford) to conduct an independent assessment (diagnostics) of corporate governance.

Based on the results of the independent assessment (diagnostics) of corporate governance by Russell Bedford, the Company was assigned a corporate governance compliance rating of 77.66% with international standards, and recommendations were given in the area of improvement of the corporate governance system with their subsequent inclusion in the Action Plan for improvement of corporate governance. The report on the results of the corporate governance assessment is posted on the corporate website of the Company (

Information security

On July 19, 2023, SEC “Almaty” approved the Information Security Policy. The main goal of information security is to protect subjects of information relations of the Company from possible infliction of material, moral or other damage to them through accidental or intentional impact on information, its media, processing and transmission processes, as well as minimizing risks.

Risk management

The main goal of the corporate risk management system (CRMS) is to improve the efficiency of managing threats and opportunities, which should contribute to the process of increasing capitalization.

CRMS also sets itself the following goals:

  • development and application of uniform and consistent approaches to identifying, assessing and managing risks in the Company, simplifying procedures for exchanging information about risks vertically (management) and horizontally (experience exchange);
  • prompt response to emerging risk events, monitoring changes in the external and internal environment;
  • organizing targeted risk management activities in order to reduce them to an acceptable level or transfer them to third parties (insurance, hedging);
  • systematization and further accumulation of information about the Company’s risks, increasing business manageability;
  • ultimately – increasing the Company’s capitalization by increasing efficiency and optimizing risk management.

On October 9, 2024, the Company updated the Risk Management Policy, the purpose of which is:

1)building an effective comprehensive system and creating an integrated risk management process as an element of the Company’s management, as well as continuous improvement of activities based on the most advanced practices and a standardized approach to risk management methods and procedures, to ensure the stability of its activities and protect the value of the Company from risks;

2)ensuring that the Company accepts acceptable risks adequate to the scale of its activities;

3)determining risk appetite and ensuring effective management of accepted risks.


Corporate Governance Code

Stakeholder map

Risk Management Policy

Information Security Policy

Corporate Governance Assessment Report
