July 10, 2024

In Almaty, 280 people resettled from shabby houses to new accommodations

Since the beginning of the year, Almaty SEC JSC jointly with its subsidiary "Capital Construction Enterprise of Almaty Akimat" LLP (hereinafter - CCE) has relocated 280 people under the "Housing Renovation Program for 2021-2025". 70 families who previously lived in 10 buildings with expired service life in Auezov, Alatau, Bostandyk, Zhetysu and Medeu districts of the city received the keys to new comfortable apartments in modern residential complexes.

By the end of this year in Almaty is planned to provide new housing for another 2,180 residents of 54 shabby houses.

Renovation program implies demolition of unseismic and life-threatening shabby houses with expired exploitation period. Modern residential complexes with sports grounds, parking lots and important social facilities are being built instead.

According to the terms of the program, owners of shabby housing receive an equal-sized apartment in a new building. Moreover, a new apartment is on average 10 m² larger than the previous one. Resettlers do not have to pay extra for additional meters. All apartments are given out in a fine finish. Houses have internet connection, fire alarm system, plumbing and fixtures, gas or electric stove.

People are provided with rent-free temporary housing during construction. People also have the option to move permanently into a move-in ready home from CCE.

" Housing renovation program has gained popularity and enjoys the trust of the citizens. Almaty residents willingly move into new houses, which allows us to improve their living conditions, and the city's image. To date, a draft Renovation Program until 2030 has been developed. It will provide new mechanisms, such as regulation of relations between owners of dilapidated houses, investors and authorized organizations, specifies the procedure for transfer of old apartments, and considers the new general plan of the city, adopted in 2023. All these measures will allow accelerating the pace of resettlement of residents from dilapidated houses to comfortable apartments", - noted Altynbek Nuratuly, Deputy Chairman of the Board of CCE.

Draft of the new Renovation Program has been preliminary discussed with Maslikhat deputies, Public Council, "Atameken" NCE and representatives of the business community.
