June 18, 2024

Almaty Finance will finance the construction of the 12th industrial park

Almaty Finance LLP, a subsidiary of SEC Almaty, opened a loan facility of KZT 295 million for the construction of a new industrial park. This is the 12th industrial park financed by Almaty Finance. Crediting of the project is performed under the regional program of entrepreneurship development "Almaty Business-2025".

An industrial park with an area of almost 4,000 m² will be opened in the Industrial Zone of Almaty in June 2025. Premises with infrastructure ready for production launch will simultaneously accommodate up to 10 enterprises, which will create more than 500 jobs. Working space will be leased to businesses on favorable terms - up to KZT 1,350 per m² with the possibility of subsequent purchase at a price of KZT 180,000 per m².

Considering own funds of the investor, T and M company LLP, the total amount of investments in the project will exceed KZT 363 mln.

"At the moment, about 40 industrial parks have been realized or are in the process of fulfillment in Almaty. Occupancy rate of the facilities is 100%. Due to the high demand from SMEs for accommodation in industrial parks, their number is expected to reach 100 units across the city by 2030. Financing of construction of industrial parks is performed on favorable terms, at the rate of 6%* per annum", - said Zhuldyz Igenov, Deputy Chairman of Almaty Finance LLP.

*Annual effective interest rate is calculated on an individual basis

For reference:

Almaty Finance LLP, a credit organization established in 2019, is a subsidiary of Almaty Social and Entrepreneurial Corporation JSC. Almaty Finance LLP provides concessional financing to SMEs in Almaty at 2% or 6% per annum (AEIR). The purpose of loans is to create new production facilities and replenish working capital.  Maximum loan amount is KZT 500 mln. Term up to 7 years. "Almaty Finance" loan program is implemented under "Almaty Business-2025".

Almaty Social-Entrepreneurial Corporation JSC is a development institution, a bridge between the resources of the state and business. Activities of SEC Almaty are aimed at solving social, educational, cultural problems of the society under the condition of development of sustainable private entrepreneurship.
