June 27, 2024

Residents of the Almaty Industrial Zone have produced products worth almost KZT 2 trillion

Residents of Almaty Industrial Zone LLP (a subsidiary of SEC Almaty JSC) produced products worth KZT 1.913 billion, of which KZT 801.3 billion in 2023.

Almaty Industrial Zone (AIZ) - an area for large industrial and manufacturing business projects was created in 2015 to provide state support to private entrepreneurship and development of priority industries in Almaty. Preference is given to investment projects aimed at the production of technological, innovative products with high added value and export potential, as well as the creation of new quality jobs.

At the moment 102 companies from such industries as mechanical engineering, manufacturing, construction, logistics, food, chemical and agrarian industries, etc. are the participants of AIZ. The total volume of investments of AIZ residents is KZT 556.2 billion with the creation of 14,246 jobs. Since 2015, AIZ participants have also paid taxes amounting to KZT 53.7 billion.

The area of the AIZ is 490 hectares, of which 326 hectares have been allocated for projects and 164 hectares for infrastructure.

In order to develop small and medium enterprises, within the framework of "Almaty Business - 2025" Program, AIZ also implements a program for development of small industrial parks, where entrepreneurs can rent (with the possibility of subsequent purchase) ready-made industrial premises on preferential terms - KZT 1,350 per m². The cost of subsequent redemption is KZT 180,000 per m².

Soft loans are provided at a rate of 6% per annum for up to 7 years for the construction of industrial parks through subsidiaries of SEC Almaty, Almaty Finance and Almaty MFO. Residents of industrial parks can also get a loan of up to KZT 70 million at an annual interest rate of 2% to develop their business and replenish working capital.

At the moment 11 industrial parks (5 on the territory of the city, 6 on the territory of AIZ) with a total area of 46 thousand m2 have been launched in Almaty. The industrial parks host 76 residents and create 1,074 jobs; the occupancy rate is 100%. It is planned to launch 26 more industrial parks with a total area of over 100 thousand m2. Of these, 5 in 2024 and 21 in 2025, which will create more than 3,400 additional jobs.

"For every KZT 1 of budget investment in the development of the AIZ, there are already KZT 5.5 from private investors. At that, the budget investments have already been returned in full at the expense of the taxes paid.

Due to the high business demand, the usable area of AIZ has already been utilized by 95% and, taking into account the presence of potential investors, the Akimat of the city has carried out work to expand the territory by 194 hectares (the second stage of AIZ expansion).

To date, a feasibility study and design documentation have been prepared for the construction of engineering and transportation infrastructure for the second stage of AIZ expansion. After the state examination of the project documentation, the issue of financing for construction and installation works in 2024-2026 will be solved. Implementation of major investment projects on the expanded territory of AIZ will allow to attract more than KZT 235 billion of investments, have a general multiplicative effect on the economy of the city and additionally create more than 9 thousand jobs, - said Alisher Satybaldiyev, General Director of Almaty Industrial Zone LLP.


